Aether Carbon-Negative Diamonds

Aether Diamond held between tweezers with tagline "diamonds made from air"


At Herzog Jewelers, we've never been shy about our opinion on lab grown diamonds. For some, they are a great way to get an affordable engagement ring that is exactly what you want with no need to compromise for budget. For others, it's a great way to trace the origin of their diamond. Many of our customers still stay away from lab grown as they are worried it's a fad and that they don't hold value like natural diamonds- also a very valid concern!

For all the pros and the cons, we are as transparent as we can be about quality, pricing, sustainability, and longevity of lab grown diamonds when helping you make your purchase. As the technology around Lab Grown Diamonds has expanded, so has the landscape of how we create and sell diamonds. We've added a new manufacturer to our lineup that we are incredibly excited about sharing as an option with our customers- especially those looking to get engaged who seek the most sustainable option available on the market. 

Introducing Aether diamonds- the world's most sustainable diamonds. Click through to learn more about their diamonds and their mission!

Aether Diamonds are B-Corp Certified, Carbon Negative Diamonds. Meaning that purchasing one is actually helping the environment by offsetting your carbon footprint. On the techniical end, Aether uses proprietary carbon capture technology that allows them to turn CO2 emissions into the gasses needed for CVD diamond growth. One carat of Aether diamond offsets approximately 1 year of your total carbon footprint.

Not to mention, these stones are right on par with the price and quality you expect from lab grown diamonds. For now, they are only available in store, but can be added to any setting on our website. Whether you're interested in an engagement ring, a solitaire necklace, some upgraded studs, or something else you think these stones would be perfect for, we have a great selection in store and are able to order just about any size and shape you could want.